Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day One of Operation Culotte

Please comment and leave your undie pic or a link to it! I will then add it to THIS POST. :) If you prefer to do this anonymously please email the picture to me at and label the subject "OPERATION CULOTTE".

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Operation Culotte (Underwear)

Lets be real, a trip to Vickies is the best reward a girl can give to herself... I think that we should all be more open about our underwear.

I remember elementary school, getting into undergarments and showing my friends the color of my "panties". This might sound creepy and provocative for a child but to all my friends it was perfectly normal. Comment and let me know if you showed your undies off as a child.

So, To the point! As a result of my reflection on the unnecessary amount of privacy adults use regarding undergarments, I will now post a picture of my underwear of the day for a week straight.

I will start operation underwear tomorrow and I strongly advice and invite you to join in by leaving a picture in the comments section. (Please keep this PG and leave the modeling to the professionals! Don't WEAR the undies in the picture)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hello, Couture Tees, Lets Have a Spring Fling.

Which one would you like me to outfit?
Which one would you like me to purchase?

Leave feedback please :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Boyfriend :D

Hi dearies,
Guess what? I'm going to visit my boythang! Yay! I'll add pictures to this post when I get there! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

10:26 am; 3.6.12

Hello. :)
I have let down thy previous commitment because I forgot a camera.
I do have my webcam though, still Lennon is away at class and upon his return I'm going to beg him to take me to the girls half of the dorm again so that I can have a shower.

7:45 pm; 3.6.12

Last night when I arrived, we were only up for about an hour. That hour basically consisted of getting a parking pass, putting my car in the garage, presenting the birthday cake I baked him (but we STILL haven't ate any), talking for a bit and then hitting the hay.

In the morning, I talked to my mom on facebook while Lennon went to class and then upon his return we basically stayed in so he could study. I know, JUICY INTERESTING stuff. It was amazing outside today and I wish we could have spent time out there but he's not very Montessori and wasn't up for studying outside ("too much wind, too many people, can't concentrate").

We just now returned from dinner and he is on his way to class to play math exam. Woot! So I am sitting in his room and his roommate is listening to Whitney Houston "I will always love you", he has headphones in but her voice is blasting. Its kind of making me chuckle. Ah, and unfortunately the dress I was really excited about wearing today shrunk in the washer (yay me for reading tags) so I got stuck wearing tomorrows work outfit; green skinny jeans and a cage back black top with nude heels. I was able to calm it down with a very optional 80s denim jacket that I basically stole from my mom.

Oh! So you know that awkward feeling where everyone is wearing sweatpants and you're dressed like you dress everyday in stilettos and backless forms? Yeah, well, I always have that feeling because I live in Southern Indiana, but still, its heightened when you're at a college, people have the potential,and they are still dressed horribly. Sorry Purdouche, you need to up your fashion game.

Well, dolls, that is all I have for now. <3

Friday, March 2, 2012

DIY DirtyPrincessFairy shorts!

From denim with no studs or detail...

With some studs added...

Getting closer...

Pocket details, too!

AND the back

And finally after trimming and hemming and tucking and picking we have:

Better pics coming up, I'm sure.
Scarlett the denim queen.

Hello world, I am a magical fairy;

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dear people who probably don't follow any of my previous 18 blogs...

Me: "19 blogs...
judge me."
Cousin: Whoop! You need a support group?
Bloggers anonymous?

Hey, hi.
My name is Scarlett and I have been a blogger addict going on 4 years now. My goal here is to control my various blog creating habits and stick it all in one place. So this blog is all about DIY projects and summer and retail and fashion and maybe some other things.

Kay thanks bye.

Also, previously, I didn't use enough pictures... so...


Yeah, so, my lipgloss is popping.